Lions Gate Entertainment (LGF.B)
Over the next 13 weeks, Lions Gate Entertainment has on average historically risen by 6.9% based on the past 19 years of stock performance.
Lions Gate Entertainment has risen higher by an average 6.9% in 11 of those 19 years over the subsequent 13 week period,corresponding to a historical probability of 57%
The holding period that leads to the greatest annualized return for Lions Gate Entertainment, based on historical prices, is 3 weeks. Should Lions Gate Entertainment stock move in the future similarly to its average historical movement over this duration, an annualized return of 50% could result.
Madrigal Pharmaceuticals (MDGL)
Over the next 13 weeks, Madrigal Pharmaceuticals has on average historically fallen by 16.7% based on the past 10 years of stock performance.
Madrigal Pharmaceuticals has fallen lower by an average 16.7% in 9 of those 10 years over the subsequent 13 week period,corresponding to a historical probability of 90%
The holding period that leads to the greatest annualized return for Madrigal Pharmaceuticals, based on historical prices, is 1 week. Should Madrigal Pharmaceuticals stock move in the future similarly to its average historical movement over this duration, an annualized return of 91% could result.
January 22nd Daily Market Comments
A government shutdown affecting the market trend? Apparently not. Reality suggests a shutdown of the non-essential functions of our government will illustrate how nonessential a majority of the government really is. Or the less government can stick their fingers in the American economy, the better off the economy is. Whatever the analysis, the market is currently indicating no change of investor sentiment, the uptrend remains in progress. This is why we recommend Trend Analysis.