The best stocks to buy now are short positions. As long as we can analyze, with much greater accuracy using candlestick charts, that a downtrend is in progress, shorting strong selling charts is the best strategy. The best stocks to buy now are limited on the bullish side. Aluminum stocks can be bought, AA, CENX, CSTM, KALU but buying any long positions during a strong down trending market requires good bullish confirmation. The gambling stocks are selling off hard, they can be shorted. DKNG, AGS, ELYS, CHDN, SGMS. Numerous stocks are showing strong sell signals at major observable resistance levels such as the 50-day moving average or the 200-day moving average. These become much higher probable short trades because it is obvious that investor sentiment is selling at those resistance levels. Join us Saturday, February 26 for a candlestick Mini spotlight training concentrating on the high probability aspects of an individual candlestick signal, the bullish and bearish engulfing signal. An in-depth evaluation of a candlestick signal allows the candlestick investor to have much more understanding of what occurs when a candlestick signal is formed.