September 12th Market Direction

The best profit signals are produced when witnessing candlestick signals at levels everybody else is watching. The best profits signals incorporate numerous confirming indicators that can greatly improve the probabilities of being in a correct trade.AAPL is an example of the candlestick signals illustrating when the bullish sentiment was demonstrated, a candlestick buy signal followed by a gap up through the moving averages everybody else was watching. The best profits signals can also be applied when the underlying commodity of a sector is moving in a specific direction. The strength in the silver chart provides the impetus to buy silver stocks that are confirming with the strength of silver. Everything viewed in a candlestick chart is merely common sense put into a graphic depiction. The Japanese rice traders have provided the signals and patterns that human nature will produce as high probability trend results. Mark your calendars! September 24 will be the Ultimate Candlestick Training, a full-day training applying all the profitable aspects produced by candlestick charts. This training puts investors in control and dramatically reduces flawed investment emotions.

Members Chat session tonight at 7pm central. Free to Members. Not a member? Click here to join

Good Investing,

Stephen Bigalow
