October 12 Market Direction

What is making the market continue its uptrend? Politics? Earnings? We do not need to know, we do not need to be in-depth economic analysts. The candlestick charts provide the information required to make good profits. Candlestick signals and patterns are the accumulative knowledge of everybody buying and selling, based upon their expectations, there analytical viewpoints. The current market trend is still providing very profitable trades from candlestick pattern breakouts. The first factor for being in profitable trades is having the ability to analyze what the overall market trend is doing. Obviously, if the market trend is bullish, the profitability from bullish candlestick pattern breakouts are going to be more pronounced.

There are numerous profit trades continuing in our portfolio. Once a pattern breakout has been confirmed, steady uptrending positions can be maintained using the simple T-line rule. Our recommendations on NXTC, FDX, VCEL, BNTX, AVYA , DY, and DQ all have one consistent characteristic. Once they broke out of the candlestick pattern, they have continue to trade above the T-line continuing their profitability’s. The T-line rule basically demonstrates that as long as a trend remains above the T-line, the probabilities remain extremely high the trend will continue. This has two major benefits. First, obviously creating profitable trades. Secondly, the analysis time required to analyze what to do with that trending position in the portfolio each evening takes merely a matter of seconds. This frees up more time to analyze the positions that may have some changing of investor sentiment, requiring more analysis. The combination of candlestick signals and patterns in conjunction with the T-line produces an extremely high probability platform for being in profitable trades a high percentage of the time. Join us this weekend for a full two day comprehensive training utilizing the T-line, the triple T training. Click here for more info.

Chat session tonight at 8 PM ET.

Good investing,

The Candlestick Forum team.
