Market top indicators are better revealed with the visual aspects of candlestick signals. Market top indicators can be applied to different trading entities that indicate when there is a change of investor sentiment coming. Today, the indexes produced indecisive trading signals, Doji’s and shooting stars, at the upper resistance level. This becomes the first clue that there may be a change of investor sentiment. A bearish kicker signal in the corporate bond index also illustrated that investor sentiment was changing. Analyzing the five indicators is not a lengthy process. It takes a matter of 45 seconds to analyze the trading indicators that will demonstrate what is occurring in overall investor sentiment. A major indicator is witnessing candlestick sell signals that are producing much better profitability than bullish signals and these market conditions. Everything built into candlestick analysis is merely common sense put into a graphic depiction. If you want to gain a trading advantage, join us in our chat room every day. This is where experienced traders identify high probability/high profit pattern breakouts, providing a supply of constant good trades.
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Good Investing,
Stephen Bigalow