May 17th Market Direction

The market indexes formed bullish reversal signals on Thursday and were confirmed on Friday. The bullish Harami on Thursday indicated the selling has stopped. Today the market showed consolidation. The uptrend will still be in progress on positive trading tomorrow. This new uptrend has produced some very powerful bullish signals, the bullish kicker signal, and the bullish flutter kicker signal. These signals show a dramatic change of investor sentiment in individual stock prices, implying much more upside potential. As long as the market indexes are now trading above the T-line, strong candlestick signals and breakout patterns will produce some good profitability.

GEVO was recommended today based upon the kicker signal of Friday. There was a large number of bullish Harami due to the market reversal on Friday. There were also numerous J-hook pattern breakouts, producing high probability trade results. When you take advantage of the information built into candlestick signals and patterns, you dramatically improve your probabilities of not only being in a bullish trade but being in a strongly bullish trade.

Chat session tonight at 8 PM ET.

Good investing,

The Candlestick Forum team
