March 8th Market Direction

The candlestick T-line rule continues to produce strong profits. If you have the problem of taking profits just to take profits and then realizing you took profits way too early, the candlestick T-line rule eliminates that problem. As long as a price trend stays above or below the T line after candlestick reversal signals, the probabilities are extremely strong the trend will continue. This is been evident in our recent short positions,ARCT, INMB, BILI, CLSK, CHWY, as well as others. How long do you stay in a short position ? Simple! Until you see a candlestick buy signal and a close back up above the T line.

EYES is another example of how powerful candlestick breakout signals identify potential strong price moves. The kicker signal became evident as the price on Friday traded around the $2.90 level. That same process identified our OCGN trade at $0.73 and eventually close it out in the $17.50 area. The rhetorical question is always, will all breakouts produce huge price moves? definitely not, but it does put you in situations where the probabilities of being in a big price move is greatly in your favor. The probabilities are also enhanced by using the RARE process, investigating what news because the breakout and then evaluating whether that information was going to continue to stimulate bullish sentiment. Know and understand candlestick signals and you will dramatically improve your trading abilities.


Chat session tonight at 8 PM ET.

Good investing,

The Candlestick Forum team
