What do Candlesticks Reveal Going Into Earnings

What do candlestick charts reveal going into the earnings? A very simple probability factor! What are the investors that know about a specific company doing right before an earnings announcement? If they are showing a lot of buying strength, they probably are anticipating a good earnings report, very simple. If they are selling off a stock going into earnings, that is usually a good indication you want to close out a position before the earnings report that afternoon. Does this always work correctly? No, but the probabilities are greatly in your favor by doing what the candlestick chart reveals. There will always be surprises. But the probabilities are using in your favor.

There has been a strong reversal in the electric vehicle sector. Last week, Tesla formed a very strong bullish reversal signal, indicating the downtrend was over. Bullish signals were also witnessed in many other electric vehicle sector-related stocks such as QS and BLNK. Having the ability to identify the reversal signals allows the candlestick investor to get into stock/sectors at the appropriate time. Join us on March 27 and 28th to learn all the high probability indications candlestick signals provide. This will definitely change your perspective on investing.


Chat session tonight at 8 PM ET.

Good investing,

The Candlestick Forum team
