April 22nd Market Wrap-Up

Candlestick signals and patterns produce big price move opportunities, even when the overall market direction is not correlating. The scoop pattern, as identified in our recommendation of OCGN, was based upon the expected results coming from a scoop pattern. This usually indicates a strong price moves/slingshot effect. Rhetorical question, doesn’t necessarily occur in one day? Definitely not, but a major advantage of candlestick analysis is being in situations where the probabilities of being in a big price move are constantly in the investor’s favor. The simple logic built into the candlestick signals produces a trading strategy that keeps investors in a high probability trading program. The probabilities of being in a are merely logical trading perspectives. Candlestick analysis is merely the graphic depiction of investor sentiment. Join us this Saturday, April 24, for basic training on candlestick logic. This information will provide a completely new investment perspective. You gain valuable insights from the graphics of candlestick charts, the results of the most consistent trend indicator – human nature. Click here for more info.

Chat session tonight at 8 PM ET. Click here to register.


Good investing,

The Candlestick Forum team
