Weekly Watchlist November 7th – November 11th, 2022

The best stocks to buy now can be identified by strong or weak sectors. The best stocks to buy now is simply identifying the stocks with the most vital candlestick buy signals or sell signals in a particular sector. There is still indecision in the current market trend based on waiting for the results of the midterm election. Obviously specific sectors will be anticipating better results if the Republicans take over the house and the Senate. Fortunately, candlestick analysis reveals which sectors will be benefited the most or hurt the worst based on the expected results of Tuesday night’s election. You do not have to be an analyst, evaluating whether the Republicans or the Democrats are going to have a better showing. You just need to analyze what everybody else’s investment decisions are reflecting based on the information/polls reveal. Candlestick analysis is merely putting all the stars in alignment, evaluating which sectors are moving, and then identifying the most vital signals in individual positions in those sectors. The kicker signal and the best friend signal provide very strong trend indications. Once you learn the 12 major candlestick signals, your analysis of a price move becomes much more accurate.
